Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fairy Tales

Often new understandings are not entirely new facts but are rather, corrections of previously held errors. This is why going outside the body of traditional, accepted understanding is dangerous and not particularly popular. This brings us face to face with two uncomfortable issues. The first is that there is always a group of people who have built a reputation or livelihood on the existing understandings. These people are not particularly pleased with the prospect of these understandings being shown to be in error or even held up as being incomplete.

The other issue is one of stability and comfort. Inside the established understanding box we know how things are. Inside the box we have the comfort (although it may be a false comfort) of stability and predictability. It may be a limited system but it is our system. This is often one of the founding principles of denominational religion.

Sadly, if we have a true desire to grow we must be willing to receive correction.
This is not nearly so painful if we stop and consider the alternatives to growth. As I am fond of thinking of it, people are like trees in this regard. A tree exists in only one of two states--it is either growing or dying. We too, are either growing or dying. I would rather be corrected and be alive and growing spiritually than to live in a false stability of spiritual death (stagnation).

It is not a mark of shame that we have a set of misconceptions incorporated in our basic understanding. This is not evidence that we are stupid, immoral or slow-witted. Think of where we came from. We all have come out of the world.
This is a world that is awash in misconceptions, ignorance and outright dishonesty. You must always keep in mind that the world is under control of the evil one: “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” (1John 5:19) So we all come into the life of Christ with an impressive set of fairy tales about the way things are. This reality is difficult to accept, especially for us who are convinced that we are pretty savvy about how things are. It is, nonetheless, true.

We need to consider some things. What is more important—coming to a deeper understanding of the Father, His world and ourselves or preserving our own foolish pride? To me, there is nothing sweeter than coming to know the truths of God. I am practical enough to realize that this sweetness may be too esoteric for many people. Then consider the pragmatic advantages of growing in the understanding of the truth.



Free Spirit said...

Wow, Rich! This is WAY deep stuff here.
I'm actually looking at it on 2 levels, but the deepest for me right now revolves around my fairy tale existence and understandings with my own mother.

I know it's not what you're writing about here, but it's so applicable there.

This whole fairy tale has been carefully constructed for me by my mother, and only now, as an adult with 4 kids of my own, am I breaking free of her system. It is a painful process, and one I don't feel freedom to post about on my own blog, but it has had a HUGE affect on me.

This statement (among others) really spoke loudly to me:
"It is not a mark of shame that we have a set of misconceptions incorporated in our basic understanding. This is not evidence that we are stupid, immoral or slow-witted. Think of where we came from."

"What is more important—coming to a deeper understanding of the Father, His world and ourselves or preserving our own foolish pride?"
I would add: "coming to a deeper understanding of Papa, OR preserving our false perception of

"The first is that there is always a group of people who have built a reputation or livelihood on the existing understandings. These people are not particularly pleased with the prospect of these understandings being shown to be in error or even held up as being incomplete."

I'm trying not to go on too much here, but this especially applies for the narcissist (my mother) who doesn't want their little fairy tale world messed with - by ANYONE.

Sorry, I know I'm way off from what you intended here, but you hit a nerve here.
Good words to ponder!

Rich said...

free spirit,

Im so glad Father witnessed to your heart the reality that is ours for the receiving.

I super enjoyed what you got out of this, please feel free to continue sharing anything that He brings to light with me if you care to.

I am so thrilled to really experience what true reality and Life is all about, I welcome, embrace His loving correction, freeing me from the true lies I have belived about so much.

I will settle for nothing less than HIM!