Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cosmetically Cosmeticized

I wonder how much, if any, stock is given to the warning, admonition to “not let the world squeeze us into its mold?” We are being conformed into the image of Christ, but that transition is not happening without pain and difficulty. We had so long beheld a false identity in our spiritual mirror that we have no comprehension of who we really are in Christ, and ‘self’ desperately wants to hang on! The impetus behind self, the diabolical entity that has molded our self image, is passionately resolute that we never get to the place of knowing who, and Whose, we are.
It is my contention that a most serious cross road has to be addressed in our continued extrication from the Matrix of religion.

Jesus assured, gave us his word, that in continuing to follow Him, we would progressively know the truth and the truth would further set and make us free. Before there is a grateful disillusionment, it must be preceded with being painfully and greatly disillusioned, and it is this very nerve I wish to touch upon, hold still, the pain is only monetary!

For those who have been led out of the religious system it is important to realize that there remains within their flesh the source of the religious system, many unfortunately see their being outside of the religious ‘box’ as being free, much like those led out of Egypt into the wilderness as being free… free at last, thank God almighty, we’re free at last, but hidden from them in their flesh lies the liar, the father of lies and religion!

Without the continuous renewing of the mind (soul) and because there are no vacuums, there will be a morphing, a thinking, acting, living out a lie, living contrary to who and whose we are. This potential morphing I liken to that of a chameleon, it has been designed genetically to display the colour of its surroundings. Likewise our soul in a similar fashion is going to display the governing spirit we give a mind to. This is not some new phenomena I am speaking of, right from the get go within that which became known as the “church” which is His body here on earth, we can see based upon scripture the dumbing down, the charming bewitching corrupting and trying to impede the Christians continued growth in the grace and true knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The misnomer that was spelled out by those not living by every word (revelation) proceeding from the mouth of God the Father unfortunately established this equation, “Jesus in, Satan out.” Nothing could be further from the truth, and believe it or not, this is all tied in inseparably from what it means to be in Christ and to have Christ in us.

I want so much to further flesh this out and will do so as time and grace permits.


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