Thursday, March 26, 2009

Caution, Highly Volatile

The reality hidden within the Word who has invaded our lives is at best very innocuous in its beginnings, but soon there is to be an inner release of its corrupting and caustic influence.
This life, our only true life, Christ in us is about to make us very miserable. I love how He, the Father of our spirit is great at comforting the disturbed, as well as disturbing those who are comfortable!

The reality of Whose we are is an invasive take over from within, not a make over, or reform, or patching up a tear with this “new massage.”

For those who haven’t read my previous thoughts it might be good to read them here.

The truth of whose we are isn’t about making us famous, successful or popular; it isn’t about winning friends and influencing people, sorry Dale Carnegie. It has everything to do with upsetting everybody’s pet doctrines, their religious mind sets; it is going to gloriously offend our minds only to expose our hearts, why? As a man thinks in his heart, so is he!
As Paul encouraged you and me, “Let this same mind (mind set) be in you as it was in Christ, who made himself of no reputation.”
Everything that has defined us, making us a somebody after the flesh is about to be targeted by the Prince of Peace who is going to bring a division, separation within the lies in our soul.
There is and will be no peace apart from it being Him alone, and folks that is the greatest good news I know!


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