Saturday, December 20, 2008

Seeing The Big Picture

Partial vision is pretty much the same thing as being totally blind if with the ‘vision’ it does not bring into our inner being a spiritual adjustment.

As God presents to us His unfolding heavenly pattern in greater fullness and in His light the potential is there to see as well as becoming that much more adjustable.
With each new adjustment there is a new faith-comprehension.

Oh to BE more adjustable that we might appreciate divine vision. Our Father is working with a foreknowledge of a future day which is imminent and this fuller vision alone will be the answer. He must lead each one to embrace it even though it seems “revolutionary” and too idealistic for this hour.
Many retire to the cautious way of quiet safety, and reject the new order which God is bringing in because they are afraid of the divine order. Yet there is surely coming a day when their programs will flounder, and all sorts of expediencies will then be resorted to with no faith-comprehension.

There is a deep groaning and shaking going on within the hearts of those who are afraid to go on in the things they have dimly seen; and those who are afraid not to go on-even though what they have seen seems presently impossible. If we dare to be counted with this later group we shall not be caught off guard nor found warring against eventualities, contingencies and emergencies. As we move on in His light we begin to see how ALL things, whether good or evil, are NOT ends in themselves.



Anonymous said...

It's wonderful seeing a post from you again, my friend! How have you BEEN?

This post is always. I fully agree that Papa is doing a shaking during our times that may seem uncomfortable to many, but is a good, GOOD thing for all.

Love what you said here: "Many retire to the cautious way of quiet safety, and reject the new order which God is bringing in because they are afraid of the divine order. Yet there is surely coming a day when their programs will flounder, and all sorts of expediencies will then be resorted to with no faith-comprehension."

Rich, I sincerely wish you and your family a very wonderful, warm and Merry Christmas!

~Amy :)

Rich said...


I am doing fine thanks, I sensed Father wanting my attention on other things for a season, but sensed a fresh stirring within, so I stuck my toe into the inviting warmth of His prodings here today, and found the water to be most exhilarating!

I too extend to you the very best over the Christmas season.


Free Spirit said...

Good to see you back!
My mind is trying to comprehend what you've said here, even though my spirit likes it.
Thanks for listening to Him.

Rich said...

Free Spirit,

Hahahaha, I loved what you said, "My mind is trying to comprehend what you've said here, even though my spirit likes it."

That speakes volumes to me about SO much of Christianity is all about trying to understand, nothing wrong with understanding, but the understanding flows out of 'revelation' and not out of/from our soul/mind/intellect!!!

In sharing with different ones I am prone to say, "Hey, I don't have a clue as to what I'm saying/sharing here with you, but I KNOW it IS the truth!

We R spiritual beings having a human-earthly experience :)I love this verse of scripture from John.."A man can receive nothing except it be given to him from heaven."

There is an innate-intuitive knowing that is ours IN Christ, this is not a learned academic thing we strive for, it simply IS!
We R trying at best to obtain something that IS already ours, but like all things, if the spirit of truth & grace does not reveal it to us, is it any wonder there is such frustration and consternation within our lives?!

It will B a constant battle/contesting within us, the soul trying to dominate us in our spirit union with our Father, and that is all part of whay we R going through and facing so many issues/challenges whereby we truly experience what it means to be... Rom.5:10-For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more [certain], now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved (daily delivered from sin's dominion) through His [[a]resurrection] life.

Everything imho is about us KNOWING in relation to God as our Father and therein is the rub, we want to get our fingers all over it trying to figure things out, resorting to our abilities to size things up, good-bad etc..our soul, mind, will and emotions R meant to B a servent to our spirit-uinion with our Father NOT the other way around, and in this we continue to grow and learn!