Monday, September 8, 2008

Nothing to do With the Outflow

In reading from Os Chambers this morning, this stood out to me.

“A river touches places of which its source knows nothing, and Jesus says if we have received of His fullness, however small the visible measure of our lives, out of us will flow the rivers that will bless to the uttermost parts of the earth. We have nothing to do with the outflow - "This is the work of God that ye believe. . . ." God rarely allows a soul to see how great a blessing he is.”

Oh how I need Him to continue to open the eyes of my heart, not to see what He is doing as much as simply seeing Him, for in seeing Him, everything comes into a divine order, a order that might make no sense to my soul, but a knowing, All is ok son, ‘It is I.’

Os said; “Think of the healing and far-flung rivers nursing themselves in our souls! God has been opening up marvelous truths to our minds, and every point He has opened up is an indication of the wider power of the river He will flow through us. If you believe in Jesus, you will find that God has nourished in you mighty torrents of blessing for others.”

"Is it not too extravagant to say that out of an individual believer rivers are going to flow? "I do not see the rivers," you say. Never look at yourself from the standpoint of - Who am I? In the history of God's work you will nearly always find that it has started from the obscure, the unknown, the ignored, but the steadfastly true to Jesus Christ."

I’m sorry for those who have heard me say this one too many times, but hey, I love the reality of it becoming more and more a part of my everyday living.
“Even a blind man can count the seeds in an apple, but, only Jesus can count the number of orchards in ONE seed”!

Each and every day, and within that 24 hour world, I have the scared trust of knowing with a growing intensity I have an unlimited power, the ability to Choose Him over choosing my way.
The same grace that set into motion the resurrection within my spirit making me one with the Father of my spirit, is the very same grace powerfully working in each and every choice I make, in choosing Him.
Friends, never underestimate the day of small beginnings, little is much when Papa is in it.



Anonymous said...

Aaahh...beautiful words from Oswald Chambers.

I love what you said here:
"Oh how I need Him to continue to open the eyes of my heart, not to see what He is doing as much as simply seeing Him, for in seeing Him, everything comes into a divine order, a order that might make no sense to my soul, but a knowing, All is ok son, ‘It is I.’"

It's so true. When the eyes of my heart rest on Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then no matter what is going on in or around me, everything is put into proper perspective. God Himself is the lens of love and grace. Through Him, things are okay...more than okay...I can see the "good" in things that to the naked eye/heart, may feel or be challenging, hard to understand or just plain rough.

Aaahhh...I especially love your last sentence, "...little is much when Papa is in it." Amen. Beautiful stuff, Rich.

~Amy :)

Rich said...


I love your heart 4 Him, it is contagious, you are so needed in His body!

What Papa is doing in opening and continuing to open the eyes of my heart, almost causes my heart to stop, and yet I know, I see but the tinyest tip of the tip of all that is yet hidden from my sight.

But what I do see, so invites me further, knowing I can trust Him with my now as well as all of my tomorrows.

I will be soon posting some of that which He is doing/making real in my life and His maze of Grace..Amazing He is!